Hot Lunch Program
The kids LOVE this program! You can be a part of it...
Order hot lunches for your child AND/OR join our team of volunteers
IT'S EASY TO SET-UP! Check out the step by step instruction
This program is very important to the SHBPA as it is a great source of revenue for our band students.
You can order all at once, or one week (or more) at a time. The cut off is five days prior to the hot lunch date, and no late orders will be accepted. Due to the high volume of orders for restaurants, there is a small processing fee ($0.30 + 3%) per transaction, so we encourage you to order all at once. Once your account is set-up, Healthy Hunger will send you email notifications when a new order form is available. Accounts from the previous school year should still exist, but you will need to enter or re-enter your child(ren).
Register now at
The Hot Lunch Coordinator is responsible for coordinating all the efforts that go into the program.
Key responsibilities include organizing volunteers, helping to distribute lunches, setting up the online lunch ordering system with Healthy Hunger, and liaising with restaurants and help ensure everything runs smoothly. Based on our experience, it is ideal if there are two people sharing this role.
We need a team of at least three volunteers (but four or five make things go much smoother) each hot lunch to help set-up and distribute lunches at the school. It only takes less than an hour of your time from 12 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. and it's super easy! You can be put on a rotating schedule a few months at a time to make it easier on everyone.
On hot lunch days, three tables are set-up for pick-up during the beginning of the lunch hour on the stage in the gym. Tables are organized according to last name and by class #. Students are to line up by the appropriate sign for their class and pick up their lunch items and exit the stage quickly to allow the team to deliver all lunches efficiently. Reminder cut-off for pick-up is 12:45pm sharp!